A Beer Line Cleaning Service Different Than Others
Pouring of the Beer:
Almost all dispensing problems are the result of:
- Improper temperature
- Improper pressure
- Cleaning issues
Quick Checklist:
- Is the keg stored between 36-38 degrees F, and the same temperature is maintained all the way to the point of dispensing?
- Is the C02 pressure between 12-14 lbs?
- Have the faucet, beer-line, and keg coupler been cleaned on a regular basis.?
Wild Beer: Beer, when drawn, is all foam, or too much foam and not enough liquid.
- Beer temperature is too warm
- C02 pressure is set to high
- Faucet in bad, dirty, or worn condition
- Kinks, twists or other obstructions in the beer line
- Beer drawn improperly
Flat beer: Foamy head disappers quickly; beer lacks brewery fresh flavor
- Beer temperature is too cold
- C02 pressure is set too low
- Dirty glassware
Cloudy Beer: Beer in glass appears hazy, not clear.
- Frozen or nearly frozen beer
- Beer that has been un-refrigerated for long periods
- Old beer
- Dirty faucet, beer line and / or keg coupler
- Dirty glassware